SSO Certificates Renewal

Action required before November 5, 2024

Your Esker on Demand platform will renew its SSO certificates. To ensure continuity of service of your solution and proper authentication of your Esker on Demand users, your organization needs to install these new certificates before November 5, 2024. Please read below for more information.

Failure to install these new certificates within your organization before November 5, 2024, will result in a disruption of service and your users will no longer be able to automatically log into the Esker on Demand platform.

Automatic authentication has been implemented within your company, via SSO certificates that have been trusted both by your organization and by Esker. As of November 5, 2024, Esker’s SSO certificates will expire. To avoid service disruption, Esker has generated new SSO certificates that we highly recommend your organization install 9-10 days prior to November 5, 2024, to maintain the ability for all your users to log on via SSO on Esker on Demand.
Note that on October 28, 2024, Esker will set the new certificates as primary, and the old ones as secondary.

What you need to do before November 5, 2024, depending on the following situations:

  • Case 1 — You can use Federation Metadata:
    • If you are already using our Federation Metadata with automatic check and update of certificates, you have nothing to do. It will be updated automatically.
    • If it’s not already the case, you can take this opportunity to change your Esker on Demand SSO implementation method and use Federation Metadata instead, as long as your server allows it. This will allow your certificates to be automatically updated without any action required on your side.
      Please find below our Federation Metadata url:
      If you decide to keep renewing the certificates manually, please proceed to case 2.
  • Case 2 — You can’t use the Federation Metadata, manual update is mandatory:
    There are two new certificates, both issued by DigiCert:
    • Token Encryption:
    • Token Signing:

They are available for download here:
Please note that these new certificates will expire again in November 2025.

  • Case 3 — You are not using Esker Sign and Crypt certificates:

No action is required on your end.


If you need any assistance or have any questions, please reach out to your IT team or SSO expert.

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